
This is the forum from which I publicize my thoughts and observations of the world around us. There is no particular theme to my writings in these posts other than to put down the random ramblings that float around in my head in hopes of providing some insight about life.

The subjects so far have ranged from the weather to life on Mars. You never quite know what will show up on this page (neither do I really, from week to week), but I like to think it will always be entertaining.

The goal is to generate intrigue and breed original thought in the readers' mind. I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to Break a Habit

Everyone has a few bad habits. I for example, bite my nails. It’s not a nervous habit, just something that has been programmed into my brain and manifests as an action I engage in methodically. There are varying degrees of bad habits obviously and some of them evolve into greater issues. Some of them need to be broken. The very nature of a habit is that is has been done with such regularity that it becomes a part of our operating system. We do it without thinking about it, essentially.

It is when negative consequences of those habits begin to cause issues that we realize we may need to change them. It’s kind of like trying to implement new policy where one has already been in place for years, it’s slow and meets much resistance. You know that expression, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” It’s kind of like that (only the new trick is learning to undo an old trick), it takes time, energy and patience. But it can be done. Here is how.

The first step is recognizing that the habit is causing some kind of issue. If you don’t believe that the habit is bad, you won’t be able to effectively change or stop it. Take some time to think about the consequences that arise from the action itself (for example: biting my nails is probably not good for my teeth, it leaves my nails looking jagged and uneven, etc.). If that proves difficult, try looking at your habit from another persons’ perspective. What about it might bother others(I still can’t hear this word without picturing Jin from Lost uttering the phrase in his Korean accent)? Once you have recognized the negatives and decided that it is best to change the habit, you can move on to step 2.

The second step starts with another first. In order to break the habit you must first understand how and why it started. There must be a positive (or at least an attraction) in there somewhere that drew you to the action. I probably first started biting my nails so I wouldn’t have to go get the nail clippers and then get rid of the mess afterward (wow that sounds like a weak reason). From there it snowballed into a regular occurrence that became second nature. Think about why the action first began and what made it a repeatable offense. Once you have identified the negative and positive reasons from where the habit originated, you can start the hardest step: actually not doing it anymore.

One important thing to always keep in mind: whatever the habit, you can live without it and will be better off without it. Remember that. Write it down.

Think of some ways to diminish the value of the habit. Make a list of the negative results to look at when you find yourself biting your nails (or whatever it may be). Trash talk it, make it seem stupid. Whatever works to ingrain the notion that the action is invaluable. This will invariably take some time and some getting used to.

Give yourself a little bit of leeway in halting the bad habit, but not too much. It is a gradual process, and some slip ups are inevitable. If you draw a hard line and try to go cold turkey, when you do revert (it will happen tough guy) there will be an unnecessary amount of guilt and anger toward yourself which isn’t helpful. Be firm and confident that you can overcome your habit but not too strict so as to drive yourself crazy with unrealistic expectations.

Setting goals can be an asset. Sometimes, it is helpful to wean yourself off of the habit, much like quitting cigarettes. Allow yourself a certain allotment of the habit per week, reducing the frequency until it is eliminated completely. Obviously in some circumstances, depending on the habit and its consequences, this graduated process doesn’t quite work. If your habit is shoplifting you should probably do your best to stop right away.

This is a general and simplified solution and it should be understood that breaking a habit isn’t easy. It requires concentration and dedication beyond the basic resolution to quit doing something. So, whattaya say old dog? Want to unlearn an old trick?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Life on Mars

I recently read a CNN article stating that the Mars rover Curiosity had found some kind of mineral deposits present in a rock formation. The rover drilled into a rock sample that scientists believe was possibly once a lake bed. I am no scientist and won’t pretend to understand the chemistry behind the findings, but apparently this means that there was once water on Mars (check out the article found at the link below). This in turn suggests that Mars was once sustainable for organic life. NASA is in no way suggesting that there was once life on Mars, but that can’t stop us from speculating.  
What if there was once a race of beings living on Mars? Beings much like humans, but with differences in physical makeup, developed to sustain life in whatever weather and climate existed on the Red Planet.  It would obviously have to have been long ago, before Earthlings cultivated the ability to spy on their home. In fact, they would have had to have been completely wiped off of Mars by that time.
Depictions of extra-terrestrials in today’s entertainment industry are almost always of hostile and advanced creatures sent to Earth to take our planet. If life ever existed on Mars, they clearly didn’t come to our planet and try to seize it for their own. I imagine they would have been a peaceful race struggling with much the same things we do today. They could have been primitive creatures, living in caves and lean-to shelters, feeding from vegetation. I think they would have been far more advanced, however (otherwise, what fun is this exercise).
It boggles the mind to think that there could have been an unknown existence, another story of the evolution of a race of beings. It changes some perspective here on Earth, our perception of the progression of time. Discoveries, inventions, advancements that we made could have already been made on another planet, long before we even existed. That’s some Back to the Future type stuff. Heavy, as Doc Brown would say (I swear I don’t plan these BTTF references, they just keep surfacing).
It is possible that these creatures, let’s call them Marsians, for lack of a better term and to avoid repetition, had to deal with different circumstances than we did. Mars is obviously a different planet with a different climate now, but in my limited scientific opinion, I would imagine that life on a Mars that supported bodies of water would have looked a little like Earth. Rivers and lakes, vegetation that fed off of them, and probably stretches of desert sand and rock. Who knows what happened to the planet to transform it into its current state of barren, cold redness. NASA claims that radiation levels on Mars, taken by the rover Curiosity, are survivable for humans. So, one of my initial thoughts of an advanced Marsian race wiping themselves off the planet with nuclear weapons is probably shot.
Maybe they just used way too much hairspray and destroyed their environment, turning it from a plush life giving habitat, into what it is today. Over millions of years, the volatile weather patterns on its surface destroyed any clues of civilization left behind (let’s hope that’s not our future).
If NASA can’t figure it out, maybe we’ll never know what happened on Mars. But that unknown sure makes it more fun. It spawns incredible feats in scientific exploration, some entertaining film and television, and of course intriguing, Pulitzer Prize caliber blog posts.            